
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The difference of TW and BMR (continued)

1. Hit Location Tables

The main difference between TW and BMR is the incorporation of the quad mech table into the same table as biped mech

2. Physical Attack Modifier Table

There is where things get very interesting. In the past, BMR uses the system of physical attack base to hit numbers. Here is the main difference between TW and BMR, TW chose to stick with a consistence of using modifier to piloting skill rolls.

Thence the physical Attack Modifier Table looks as the following:

Charging +0 (use the difference between attacker and target skill level as a positive if targer is better than attacker or negative modifier if targer is worse than attacker)
Clubbing –1
Death From Above +0 (All normal attack modifiers including attacker’s jump modifier must be taken into account; use the difference between attacker and target skill level as a positive if targer is better than attacker or negative modifier if targer is worse than attacker)
Kicking –2
Punching +0
Pushing –1
Weapons (Dependent on weapon)

Hence a comparison between BMR and TW is the now physical attack is much easier than before and makes sense in using the piloting skill as the basis.
For Pushing / Charging, in BMR, if a unit were pushed or charged into a prohibited terrain, it would be assumed by many players to be considered destroyed. However in TW, the issue has been cleared up where both units would not be moved, but any piloting skill check would still take place.

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