
Friday, December 05, 2008

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jihad means holy war. And in CBT, Jihad meant a war started by the Word of Blake in 3067 against the whole inner sphere.

Interestingly to note that in Jihad's Secrets, it is revealed that the Clan Wolverine survivors had been part of Comstar then WoB since their arrival in Inner Sphere.

Let's look at the might of the Word of Blake.

Percentor Martial: Cameron St Jamis
Percentor Manei Domini: Percentor Apollyon

Types of WoB Forces in the Protectorate

Word of Blake Milita (St Jamis)
Shadow Divisions (Apollyon)
Protectore Milita Command (St Jamis)
Mercenary Support (St Jamis / Apollyon)

Breakdown of Units
Total Strengths:
39 WoB Milita Divisions
12 WoB Shadow Divisions
176 Protectorate Militia Divisions
2 Warrior House

Protectorate Theater
Strength: 7 Divisions
1st Division (True Devotion) Elite
4th Division (Blake's Boldest) Elite
5th Division (The Chosen) Veteran
6th Division (True Believers) Elite
7th Division (The Glorious) Veteran
12th Division (harbingers of Blake) Veteran
39th Division (Purity of Destiny) Elite

Lyran Theater
Strength: 6 Divisions
2nd Division (Stern Resistance) Elite
11th Division (Infinite Justice) Veteran
18th Division (Bloody Revelation) Veteran
25th Division (The Nightwatchmen) Elite
37th Division (Purity of Truth) Veteran
38th Division (Purity of Devotion) Regular

Federated Suns Theater
Strength: 6 Divisions
9th Division (Blinding Light) Elite
10th Division (Shooting Stars) Veteran
22nd Division (Sacred Covenant) Veteran
31st Division (Purity of Faith) Regular
33rd Division (Purity of Heart) Veteran
36th Division (Purity of Thought) Veteran

Capellan Theater
Strength: 6 Divisions, 2 Warrior Houses
8th Division (Hands of Fate) Veteran
13th Division (Avaters of Blake) Veteran
17th Division (The Leviathans) Veteran
21st Division (Divine right and Justice) Veteran
24th Division (Heralds of Light) Veteran
35th Division (Purity of Blood) Veteran
Warrior House White Tiger Elite
Warrior House Rakshasa Elite

Free World Theater
Strength: 5 Divisions
3rd Division (Pure Thoughts and Actions) Veteran
15th Division (Divine Inspiration) Elite
20th Division (Enlighted Ministry) Veteran
27th Division (Shield of Faithful) Veteran
30th Division (Acts of Salvation) Regular

Draconis Theater
Strength: 6 Divisions
14th Division (Glorious Repentance) Elite
19th Division (Righteous Judgement) Veteran
23rd Division (Merciful Victory) Regular
28th Division (Promise of Deliverance) Veteran
29th Division (Defiant Sacrifice) Regular
32nd Division (Purity of Courage) Regular

Periphery Theater
Strength: 3 Divisions
16th Division (The Razors) Regular
26th Division (Immortal Sanctuary) Regular
34th Division (Purity of Honor) Regular

Protectorate Militia
139 Divisions (over 76 systems in the Proecteratore) Green

Shadow Divisons
Strength: 12 Divisions, 1 2 Level II
40th Shadown Division (Sariel's Conquerors) Elite
41st Shadown Division (Uriel's Binding Fate) Elite
42nd Shadown Division (Belial's Angels of Chaos) Elite
43rd Shadown Division (Haborym's Legion) Elite
44th Shadown Division (Avitue's Avenging Angels) Elite
45th Shadown Division (Arioch;s Avengers) Elite
46th Shadown Division (Ipos' Lions of Destiny) Elite
47th Shadown Division (Azael's Watchers) Elite
48th Shadown Division (Rimmon's Ravagers) Elite
49th Shadown Division (Dantalion's Dirge) Elite
50th Shadown Division (Eligo's Hell Knights) Elite
51st Shadown Division (Azrael's Terran Guard) Elite
52nd Shadown Division (Apollyon's Chosen) Elite
Opacus Venatori (Shadow Hunters) Elite
2 new books out on Battletech which I gotten my hand on.

1. Starter book: Wolf and Blake
The remants of Wolf Dragoons' new Black Widow company and their opp in Blake are representated in this starter book with mechs unique to the company, profiles and rules for new equipment (under Tactical Ops).

2. Tactical Ops
First of 3 books under the Ops series with Stragetic and Instellar Ops to follow. This would bring warefare from ground level (tac ops) up to government level (instellar ops). New stuff in Tactical Ops are support vechicles such as sats, more equipment (previously level 3 equipment in BT) and more advanced rules such as building, environment and movement.

Do check them out.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This unit was formed around a core of former AFFC members who quit due to Katherine Steiner-Davion taking the throne on New Avalon. Although the initial command staff of this unit was of AFFC origins, the recent addition of clan bondsmen and veterans from other military has changed a lot of the tactical doctrine of the unit. However one thing remains unchanged and that is the commander of Small H is still Colonel Damien Sturm Hanis. As a mercenary force, Small H has slowly and gradually built up a reputation as one of up and coming units in the Inner Sphere. Though for every battle or mission completed, there would be a loss. But Small H has seen to be emerge each time stronger and wiser for the better. However recent investigation into the past of Colonel Damien Sturm Hanis has turned out something interesting. He was a member of the elite MI6 Rabid Foxes while being the son of a DEST Tai-sa. This would explain the recent assassination attempt on him in the HIT Headquarters. However due to the stringent security measures (A daishi, 2 Masakaris and 2 Behemoths), the attempt was nipped. The attack only has increased the security measures around Colonel Hanis. Another interesting fact is Small H is one of the founding members of Hanis Instellar Trading or HIT in short. On the surface, HIT may seen to be like a normal mercenary association. But HIT is more than that; with investment in mining and shipping on Liberty and the HIT investment fund or HITIF supported by a number of respectable mercenary units. Although MRBC has investigated into HIT, they have not found any discriminating evidence against HIT.As part of a corporate move, Small H with the rest of HIT members has moved their headquarters from other parts of the Inner Sphere to the planet of Liberty. Small H has basically worked for almost every house in the Inner Sphere and fought the clans on more than one occasion.

Key Officers

Colonel Damien Sturm Hanis, the CO of the Small H and CEO of HIT has led this unit from its infancy all the way up to the present day. He was a Colonel in AFFC and a member of 1st Federated Suns Armored Cavalry where he learned his combined arms tactics before he turned mercenary. However it was only known recently that he was also a member of the elite MI6 and was the commander of Ops Team 7 for 5 years before switching to the 1st Cavalry. Hence this would explain the reason of the fast hitting style of Small H.
With the growth in Small H and HIT, he no longer takes on a tactical commander in the field. Instead he delegates to his capable subordinates to handle this while he deals with the strategic and administrative work. However to underestimate his skills as a mechwarrior is a mistake as he still hones his skills regularly with his unit. At the moment, he is paying most of his attention into setting up Freedom City and Camp Tekong on Liberty.

Lieutenant-Colonel John Merson, a former AFFC officer and comrade of Hanis joined the unit in its early days after following Hanis in resigning from the AFFC. Being the right hand man of Colonel Hanis has allowed this brilliant officer to show what he can do on field and much of the current battlefield success Small H has achieved is due to Merson. At the moment, Merson is overseeing much of the tactical deployment of Small H units either on missions or R&R.

Major Charles Bear, a bondsman captured from Ghost Bear and proven himself worthy to be warrior again. Born of Hawkins heritage, Charles was a proven warrior in the 28th Battle Cluster, but was captured in a early Small H mission. Although disdainful of the mercenary ways, Hanis convinced Charles that Small H was worthy unit to join through his actions. Since regaining his warrior status, he has been promoted to the rank of Weapon Master and Major. Much of the success against the clan foes is due to the insight of this clanner turned mercenary.

Major Andrew Smith, formerly of the FWLM, is the current head of corporate accounts of HIT and Small H. A mechwarrior in the 3rd Free World League Guards, he was forced to escape from the FWL after offending a rich noble with one of his crazy investment ideas. On Outreach, Hanis approached Smith with an offer to be the head of corporate accounts as he recognized that Smith was brilliant in the manipulation of figures and makes a good quarter master. Though with a clause that if he found Smith fencing him for his own pockets, Hanis would personally hunt him down. So far, Smith has proven up to Hanis’s expectations and has turned HIT into a quite a profitable organization.

Major Lisa Hanis, a cousin of Damien Hanis, joined the unit as part of the head of the public relations section and has proven a valuable asset in smoothing over relations with the local authorities on Liberty. Graduated from NAIS with a master in social studies, Major Hanis has proven to be an ace in PR so far.


Small H has been known as a unit that use innovative ideas in the contracts it has accomplished. Use of artillery with thunder augmented supported with battle armor is a good example of how Small H works. But in general, Small H is a jack-of-all-trades unit with no particular preference for an individual strategy.

Small H

Reinforced Cluster/ Elite /Fanatical
CO / Command Trinary: Colonel Damien Sturm Hanis
XO / Alpha Trinary: Lieutenant-Colonel John Merson
Bravo Trinary: Major Charles Bear
Charlie Trinary: Major Tim Myers
Delta Trinary: Major Jason Winters

Notes: With only a fourth Inner Sphere tech and the rest clan, Small H is considered a deadly enemy. However Small H is quite flexible and equally at home in clan or inner sphere formations and can attach or detach as the situations calls for changes. Small H is now aiming of attaching a supernova to each trinary in the future. In setting up Camp Tekong in conjunction with other HIT members, it is hoped that HIT members would be in future able to recruit warriors directly into the units.

Small H Armored Support
2 Company/Regular/Reliable
Armor Cmder: Major Michael Bell

Notes:A key part of any Small H’s operations nowadays. With a number of Behemoth tanks and Demolisher in support, this formation has proven its worth over many occasions though with serious losses in some cases. But still a important part in the war machine of Small H.

Historical notes: During the start of the jihad by WoB, Small H managed to evcate all assets from Liberty and escape. However, Small H has been seen engaging elements of WoB forces throughout the jihad in several strikes and raids under the employment of various Inner Sphere House or Agencies.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

For those who wants to know what i am playing recently, below is the link to the online 3 kingdoms game I am playing now. As in RMB, looking for a way to pay for the credits.

Monday, February 04, 2008

It had been 1.5 months since my last post. Am I lazy or what?

Not really as I was in midst of changing jobs and my new job is on shift. That is the main problem; therefore I did not have time to post. Bear with me as I would sort something out and start posting again.