
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Did something foolish to get all the MWDA novels I can find my hands on.

The current arc is on the LC war on the remains of the FWL with a drive along with Clan Wolf (both clan wolf) into the heart of the Marik Stewart Commonwealth in last charge.

A recap of events so far up to the Last Charge.

- House Kurita has a new co-ordinator at the helm with the last heir of the dragon hiding with the Nova Cats.

- House Steiner has lured Clan Wolf into the Stewart Marik Commonwealth to prevent the marik family from coming back up to challenge them. However the truth is that it could be the family of the imposter Thomas Marik that end up unifying the entire FWL.

- Clan Jade Falcon had just completed its civil war with the so called Mongol doctrine warrior the victors.

- Republic of Sphere would emerge 20 years later as victors in the conflict which means we got another 20 years of warefare to go.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

As promised, this is part 2 of my continuing work on IS House's military report.

Events up to 3050

The Fourth Succession War has left Capellan Confederation in ruins. Of the pre war commonalities, only Capella and Sian remain part of the Confederation. Chesteron, Tikonov and Sarna Commonalities now formed part of the Sarna March of the Federated Commonwealth. As for St. Ives Commonality, it had now became the St. Ives Compact under the rule of Candace Liao and Justin Allard.

Furthermore, the betrayals and the strains had gotten to Chancellor Maximilian Liao, leaving Romano Liao in charge of affairs of House Liao. With reconstruction in mind, House Liao began a long march to recovery.

However before any recovery was made, the Duchy of Andurien and Magistracy of Canopus allied together to launch an invasion of the Confederation; hoping to replace it with a new House. In end, the invasion instead gave the Confederation a jet in the arm, aiding its recovery as victory over the invaders revitalized the CCAF after the demoralizing Fourth Sucession War. Of more importance, it encouraged recruitment in defence of the confederation. This would assist Sun tzu liao's Xin Sheng efforts later on.

One area greatly affected is the armament industry. With lossess of so many worlds to the FC, only four Battlemech factories remained. They were located on Ares, Grand Base, Sian and Betelgeuse. In response to the raids by CCAF in 3039, the FC launched a series of damaging raids against most of CC mech factories; causing a disruption that would take years to recover. It was only later with the new factories on Victoria and Menke that CCAF would get a boast in armament production.

Another telling effect is the increased use of mercenaries to cover the losses of the CCAF, but at huge cost to the Confederation. Especially in the case of the McCarron's Cavalry which became the trouble shooters for CCAF from 3030s to 3050. They took part in a series of raids during the war of 3039 against FC and the famous Marlette raid by then Colonel Baxter.

Capellan Confederation Armed Forces (as of 3050)
Strength: 26 Regiments, 1 Battalion
Mech Strength: 23 Regiments, 2 Battalions

Capellan Hussars
Strength: 2 Regiments
Red Lancers
Blanford's Grenadiers

Chesterton Reserves
Strength: 2 Regiments
Sung's Cuirassiers
Kingston's Legionnaires

Periphery Guard
Strength: 2 Battalions
Kincade's Rangers (2 Battalions)

Confederation Reserves Cavalry
Strength: 1 Regiment, 2 Battalions
2nd Confederation Reserve Cavalry
5th Confederation Reserve Cavalry (2 Battalions)

Capellan Reserve
Strength: 1 Regiment
Stapelton's Grenadiers

Sarna Reserves
Strength: 4 Battalions
Kamakura's Hussars (2 Battalions)
Ishara's Grenadiers (2 Battalions)

McCarron's Armored Cavalry
Strength: 5 Regiments
Christobal's Regiment
The Wild Ones
Gordon's Demons
Victor's Renegades

Strength: 7 Regiments, 1 Battalion
Bullard's Armored Cavalry (1 Battalion)
Ambermarle's Highlanders (1 Battalion)
Marshigama's Legionnaires (1 Battalion)
15th Dracon (4 Battalions)
4th Tau Ceti Rangers (1 Battalion)
Rivaldi's Hussars (1 Battalion)
Lockhart's Ironsides
St. Cyr's Armored Grenadiers (1 Battalion)
Little Richard's Panzar Brigade
Tooth of Ymir
Olson's Rangers

Warrior Houses
Strength: 5 Regiments 1 Battalion (Mech Strength: 2 Regiments, 2 Battalions)
House Imarra (2 Battalions)
House Kamata (2 Battalions)
House Daidachi (2 Battalions)
House Fujita (2 Battalions)
House Matsukai (2 Battalions)
House Hiristsu (2 Battalions)
House LuSann (2 Battalions)
House Ijori (2 Battalions)

** Major Note: The calculation above of CCAF strength would defer from the listed strength of 30 regiments in 20 years update for the following reasons**

1. There are errors of units being listed as 2 battalions, but given as a regiment strength under organization e.g. Periphery Guards.
2. The warrior house strength are misleading as out of the 2 battalions each house, only one is a mech battalions.

Hence the above calculation could be deemed as more accurate.

Next update would be post Clan invasion up to before FM: CC

Saturday, December 01, 2007

I am doing a new pet project of mine after reading through some old source books.

The project is a review of all Houses military composition from 3025 onwards to 3067 (pre Jihad).

Sourcebooks used:
House Books
Field Manuals
20 year update
Objective Raids

In due respect to the scope of the project, I wanted to do something small first which would be House Liao or Capellan Confederation which is closer to my chinese roots. Hence we would look at House Liao first.

The Capellan Military (As of 3025)

The whole Capellan Military is placed under the aegis of the Ministry of Military. In the Capellan Military, there are three types of unit organizations: Regular Capellan Regiments, mercenary regiments and Warrior Houses Orders.

Units in House Liao are grouped into the following catergories.

1. Line Regiments
They form the standard combat units of the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces (CCAF). Most units report to one commonality or parent organiztion while there are others that are independent in nature. Examples of parent organizations are Capellan Hussars and Northwind Highlanders while independent units are Blackwind Lancers and Preston's Lancers.

2. Home Guard Regiments
They reserve as milita equivalent in specific Capellan Commonalities. They would employ vehicles and infantry in lieu of Battlemech and aerospace fighters. Their mission is to provide the first line of resistance against outside aggression. Though unable to hold up for long against Battlemech regiments, their purpose is to blunt the offensive until reinforcement arrive. In 3025, there are 124 Home Guard Regiments or 363 Battalions.

3. Mercenaries
Due to the nature of warefare in Inner Sphere, mercenaries are a neccessary evil to help pug the forces of each houses. In 3025, there are approximately 11 Regiments, 1 Battalion and 1 Company worth of mercenaries contracted to CCAF.

4. Warrior Houses
What can be said about the CCAF without the Warrior Houses? They are force apart from the rest of the CCAF where the word of the house master reign supreme. There are approximately 8 Warrior Houses (8 Mech Battalions, 8 Infantry Battalions) in CCAF as of 3025.

5. Death Commandoes.
The personal storm troopers of the Chancellor created in 2988. Their equal are DEST, Rabid Foxes or Loki, but the difference is that they want to be known and seen unlike the covert nature of their equivalents.

6. Milita Regiments
Each CC world maintains a milita regiment of 2 battalions to supplement any Home Guard or Line Regiments. Mostly consist of infantry or vehicles though equipped with least advanced equipment.

Capellan Confederation Military TO&E (As of 3025)

Total Strength: 54 Regiments, 2 Battalions and 1 Company
Total Battlemech Strength, 52 Regiments and 1 Company

Line Units with Parent Organization / Commonality
Strength: 34 Regiments

Capellan Hussars
Strength: 3 Regiments
Red Lancers
Protectorate Guards
Blandord's Grenadiers

Northwind Highlanders
Strength: 3 Regiments, 1 Battalion
1st Kearny Highlanders (2 Battalions)
2nd Kearny Highlanders
Marion's Highlanders
McCormack's Fusiliers (2 Battalions)

Chesterton Reserves
Strength: 8 Regiments, 2 Battalions
1st Ariana Fusiliers
2nd Ariana Fusiliers
Ariana Grenadiers (1 Battalion)
1st Chesterton Voltigeurs
2nd Chesterton Voltigeurs
3rd Chesterton Voltigeurs
Hamilton's Highlanders (2 Battalions)
Lothar's Fusiliers
Sung's Cuirassiers
Kingston's Legionnaires (2 Battalions)

Liao Reserves
Strength: 1 Regiment, 2 Battalions
Trimaldi's Secutors
Vincent's Commandos (2 Battalions)

St. Ives Armored Cavalry
Strength: 6 Regiments, 1 Battalion
1st St Ives Lancers
2nd St Ives Lancers
St. Ives Cheveau Legers
Justinia's Cuirassiers (2 Battalions)
Devon's Armored Infantry (2 Battalions)
Stapleton's Iron Hand
Cochraine's Goliaths (1 Battalion)
Shepard's Mounted Fusiliers (2 Battalions)

Confederation Reserve Cavalry
Strength: 4 Regiments, 2 Battalions
1st Confederation Reserve Cavalry
2nd Confederation Reserve Cavalry
3rd Confederation Reserve Cavalry
4th Confederation Reserve Cavalry
5th Confederation Reserve Cavalry (2 Battalions)

Capellan Reserves
Strength: 2 Regiments
Justine's Grenadiers
Stapleton's Grenadiers

Sian Reserves
Strength: 1 Regiment, 1 Battalion
Kamakura's Hussars (2 Battalions)
Ishara 's Grenadiers (2 Battalions)

Sarna Reserves
Strength: 1 Regiment, 1 Battalion
Hurloc's Hussars (2 Battalions)
Freemont's Cuirassiers (2 Battalions)

Tikonov Reserves
Strength: 1 Regiment, 2 Battalions
Kincade's Rangers (2 Battalions)
Kerr's Intruders

Independent Line Units without Parent Organization / Commonality
Strength: 3 Regiments, 2 Battalions

Blackwind Lancers
Preston Lancers
McCrimmon's Light Cavalry
MacGregor's Armored Scouts (2 Battalions)

Mercenary Units
Strength: 11 Regiments, 1 Battalion, 1 Company

McCarron's Armored Cavalry
Strength: 5 Regiments
The Nightriders
Barton's Regiment
The Wild Ones
Leo's Demons
Rob's Renegades

Hampton's Hessens
Strength: 3 Regiments
1st New Hessen Irregulars
2nd New Hessen Irregulars
New Hessen Armored Scouts

15th Dracon (2 Battalions)
4th Tau Ceti Rangers (2 Battalions)
Laurel's Legion (1 Battalion)
Bullard's Armored Cavalry (1 Battalion)
Ambermarle's Highlanders (1 Battalion)
Marshigama's Legionnaires (1 Company)
Rivaldi's Hussars (1 Battalion)
Lockhart's Ironsides (1 Battalion)
St. Cyr's Armored Grenadiers (1 Battalion)

Death Commandos
Strength: 1 Battalion

Warrior Houses
Strength: 5 Regiments, 1 Battalions
Battlemech Strength: 2 Regiments, 2 Battalions

House Imarra (1 Battlemech Battalion, 1 Infantry Battalion)
House Kamata (1 Battlemech Battalion, 1 Infantry Battalion)
House Hiritsu (1 Battlemech Battalion, 1 Infantry Battalion)
House LuSann (1 Battlemech Battalion, 1 Infantry Battalion)
House Daiachi (1 Battlemech Battalion, 1 Infantry Battalion)
House Fujita (1 Battlemech Battalion, 1 Infantry Battalion)
House Matsukai (1 Battlemech Battalion, 1 Infantry Battalion)
House Ijori (1 Battlemech Battalion, 1 Infantry Battalion)

Battletech or War Material Production
Battlemech production is cruical for the survival of every sucession house. In case of House Liao, With only 8 eight factories or sites, their annual production come to a total of 400 battlemechs in theory. In practical, due to the shortage of supplies and raids by rival houses, the production figures may varies.

Key Production Worlds:
Tikonov - Earthwerks Limited
Grand Base - Earthwerks Limited
Capella - Ceres Metals / Rashpur-Owens Inc.
Sarna - Tengo Aerospace
Nanking - Kallon Industries
St Ives - Hidco Interplantery / Ceres Metals / Tengo Aerospace
Sian - Hellespont
Styk - Tao Mechworks
Ares - Bergan Industries / Earthwerks Ltd. / Quiksell Company
Betelgeuse - Aldis Industries